
Tips to Save a Tooth That is Knocked Out

Veneers for Whitening

You can whiten your teeth to remove stains and discoloration as long as they are from normal use. However, if the coloring of your teeth is due to actual dental issues, then traditional whitening methods won't work. If your teeth are permanently damaged in a way that prevents them from becoming white with whitening treatments, then you want to read this article so you can learn whether or not veneers will be a good choice to get that whiter smile you would like to have. Read More 

Options To Consider When You Have Permanent Tooth Loss

Whether you have one missing tooth, or you need a full set of dentures, you have options. With the development of implant technology, you can have missing teeth replaced. You can also have attachment points placed into your jaw for dentures, so that you don't have to rely on denture creams to keep the dentures in your mouth. If your dentist wants to create a bridge, this can now be secured using titanium implants instead of securing the bridge to nearby teeth. Read More 

What You Need To Do To Care For Your Braces While On Vacation

If you are preparing for an exciting ski weekend or a trip home to visit your family for the holidays, you know need all of the essentials, including clothing, personal items, and a good book. However, as you get ready for your trip, it makes sense to consider how you are going to care for your braces while you are away from home. Maintain a high level of oral health with these tips. Read More 

Dental Implants And Halloween: You Still Have To Control Your Candy Intake

Halloween is on the way, and if you are getting dental implants, you might think that you are going to be a little more cavity resistant now — which could mean being able to eat more candy. That is not really true. While implants are made from artificial materials, you still have to be very careful about eating candy, if not more careful than you were when you had all-natural teeth. Read More 

Have A Toddler? Two Reasons Why They Need To Start Going To The Dentist

If your toddler still has their baby teeth, you may not think it's important for them to go to the dentist. You may reason that since the baby teeth will eventually fall out, there's really no reason to have them seen by a dental professional. However, going to the dentist is quite critical for toddlers, and there are a few reasons for this. Learning more about the benefits of taking your small child to the dentist can help you see why you should start doing so right away. Read More 

About Me

Tips to Save a Tooth That is Knocked Out

I love horses, and my family has kept them for years. One day, I was getting onto the saddle of my favorite horse, and I had a bad accident. My foot slipped as I was getting on her, and I fell. Thankfully, I didn't suffer any major injuries other than a tooth that was knocked out of my mouth. I had a great friend who helped me save it. She rinsed the tooth off in milk, and she had me hold it in my mouth after that until we arrived at the emergency dentist. He was able to stick it right back in! He placed a temporary splint in my mouth to keep the tooth in place until it healed. I am happy to say my tooth is perfect now! I created this blog let others know they can save a tooth that is knocked out if they act fast!

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